IEEE Communication Society Bangalore Section Chapter

IEEE ComSoc is a leading global community comprised of a diverse group of industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies.

About ComSoC

Your Global Network : We are ComSoc, the IEEE Communications Society We are all called to communications technology. Our reasons and regions may be widely different, but our goal is the same: To advance communications and networking technology for the betterment of humanity.

Right now, in more than 140 countries around the world, tens of thousands of members are actively working as engineers, academics, practitioners, scientists, executives, and associates—contributing new ideas and information to our collective knowledge, developing higher industry standards, and changing the way we all communicate, for the better.


The IEEE Communications Society promotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. The Society provides services to members for their technical and professional advancement and forums for technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.


To bring the world together in harmony through communications and networking technology research, application, education, and incubation of new ideas.

Message from Chair

Dear Members and Colleagues,


Welcome to the IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Bangalore Chapter!


We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to you as a part of our vibrant community dedicated to advancing communications and networking technology. As a chapter under the esteemed IEEE Communications Society, we strive to embody the global spirit of innovation and collaboration that defines ComSoc’s mission and vision.


ComSoc, the IEEE Communications Society, serves as a global network for professionals, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and regions united by a common goal—to advance communications and networking technology for the betterment of humanity. With tens of thousands of members actively contributing across more than 140 countries, we are a dynamic force driving technological innovation and fostering the exchange of information.


The IEEE Communications Society promotes technological innovation and encourages the creation and sharing of information within the global technical community. We provide services that support our members’ technical and professional advancement and offer forums for meaningful technical exchanges among professionals in academia, industry, and public institutions.


Our vision is to harmonize the world through communications and networking technology research, application, education, and incubation of new ideas. We believe in leveraging the power of technology to connect and unite people across the globe.


Founded in 1952 as the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) Professional Group on Communication Systems, IEEE ComSoc has evolved into a diverse group of global industry professionals dedicated to advancing all communication technologies. As an independent society of IEEE since 1972, our Bangalore Chapter is part of a network of 220+ professional chapters and 220+ student branch chapters in 140+ countries, comprising 30,000 members.


Joining the IEEE ComSoc Bangalore Chapter opens the door to a world of opportunities. As a member, you’ll have the chance to discover the latest breakthroughs, cutting-edge information, and research on communications technologies through access to diverse ComSoc magazines, journals, and conferences. You can connect and collaborate with professionals globally, participate in local technical activities, and stay relevant through quality training and certification programs.


We also recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of our members through the ComSoc awards program. Our members enjoy special discounts on key IEEE ComSoc publications, conferences, and professional development programs.


Today, we proudly affirm that IEEE ComSoc is the premier international organization for engineering professionals in communications technology and information networking. We invite you to actively participate in our chapter, contributing to the growth and excellence that define the IEEE Communications Society.


Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to achieving new milestones together in the exciting field of communications technology.


Best Regards,

Anindya Saha

Chair, IEEE Communication Society Bangalore Chapter

Stats 2023


IEEE ComSoc BLR Members


Senior Members


IEEE ComSoc BLR SB Chapters


IEEE ComSoc BLR ExCom Members




Event Attendees

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